Evil Incarnate

Dark Paladin

The Dark Lord has many minions at his command: the mortal creatures his servants the Hierarchs created, – the goblins, orcs, trolls, ogres and many, many more – demons and other minions of Hell, and the undead. It is because of the undead that the Followers of the Mother oft find themselves at odds with the Servants of Darkness. It however does not end there. The Dark Lord’s minions and servants frequently destroy life where they find it, and the Servants of the Mother are there to protect nature.

Dark Paladins are the shining beacon of darkness the open antagonists of the Dark Lord. They are the champions of evil; ever seeking the downfall of those who follow the ideals of the High Lord, destroy, oppress, and rule the common man, and ever seeking to spread their master’s evil.

Dark Paladin

Dark Paladin

Name Cost Prereq Purchase Tagged
Cloak Undead 5 Dark Cleric Multi Yes
Compel Greater Vile Spawn 4 Control Lesser Vile Spawn Multi Yes
Control Lesser Vile Spawn 4 Dark Cleric ~or~ Dark Paladin Multi Yes
Control Vile SpawnHorde 8 Compel Greater Vile Spawn Multi Yes
Dark Blessing 3 2 Wounding Multi Yes
Dark Paladin 5 Plot Approval Once No
Death Touch 10 Venom Touch Multi Yes
Empower Evil 5 Dark Paladin, Compel Greater Undead Multi Yes
Fear Gaze 4 Death Touch Multi Yes
Greater Magic Weapon 5 Paladin ~or~ Dark Paladin Multi Yes
Hellish Attunement 3 Wounding Once No
Immunity to Charm 5 Paladin ~or~ Dark Paladin Multi No
Lie 3 Dark Cleric ~or~ Dark Paladin Multi Yes
Pain Touch 3 2 Wounding Multi Yes
Sever Soul 4 Death Touch Multi Yes
Unlife 4 Cloak Undead Once No
Venom Touch 8 Pain Touch, Dark Paladin Multi Yes
Wounding 5 Dark Cleric ~or~ Dark Paladin Multi Yes
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